Here are ten of the tips that I've managed to pick up from successful network marketers. I hope that you'll find these useful for building your businesses in 2016.

- Continually look to the top performers in MLM to see how they've built thier business. You can avoid making a lot of the same mistakes that these people did, and benefit from their experience. Look for these people in your company and in other companies as well. Attend all opportunity meetings and trainings that your company sponsors. Approach the people in your company to ask for advice on how to build your business. Much of the time you'll find that these people are willing to share this information; after all, that's part of how they became successful in the first place.
- KIS & D (Keep it Simple and Duplicatable). The key to success in network marketing is to keep your presentations simple and duplicatable. Many people make the mistake of thinking that they need to become "experts" on the process of network marketing, or their company's product. In fact, the simpler you make your presentations, the more likely people will be to say, "I could do that." Which means more people doing your business!
- Prospect, invite, present, close and follow-up. Prospect by exposing someone to your product or business opportunity and having them listen to an audiotape or watch a vidoetape. Invite the person to a business opportunity meeting. Then close; many times, this is simply asking the person what they thought about the opportunity presented. Be sure at this time to separate objections from questions (many times, objections are just questions in disguise). Seperate objections by listening carefully to them. Listen reflectively, by repeating the person's objection back to them. Then answer their question (see tip #4). Finally, follow-up! This last step may be the most important and least followed in network marketing. Begin training your new distributor as soon as possible!
- Use feel, felt, found in overcoming objections. When you're talking to your prospect about their experiences with your product or answering questions about your business opportunity, employ this approach. For instance, your prospect says that they're not sure if they can work your business. Tell them, "I know how you feel - I felt the same way when I started out in network marketing. I wasn't sure if I could do this business either. But I found that there were some really terrific people available to help me learn the ropes and give me support. Pretty soon, I was able to work this business full-time."
- Be a product of the product. Use your product on a consistent basis. Try and always have samples of your products with you. In conversations, listen for clues about how people might have a need for your particular product. Offer to let them try it for a while - then follow-up and find out how your product worked for them.
- Teach, train, try, track. Teach your new distributors about your business. Then train them in how to do the business. Let them them try it on their own. Finally, track your new distributor's performance.
- Use the tools of your organization. Today's network marketing companies provide a full compliment of tools for the use of their distributors, ranging from audio and video tapes to satellite broadcasts. Audio cassettes are considered by many to be a particularly powerful prospecting tool.
- Don't get discouraged. The only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary! Remember that network marketing is a numbers game; the only sure way to success is to continually work your program correctly. This business is based on sorting, not convincing. So the more people that you expose correctly to your program, the more successful you can expect to be.
- Commit to constantly improving your skills. Read books on the industry, read articles in magazines like Success, listen to tapes. And, as mentioned earlier, attend all your companies meetings and trainings. By doing this, you'll develop the edge that will help you to acheive your goals in this business.
- Be the person that would recruit you. Ask yourself, "would I be interested in what this person has to offer if they were going to attempt to recruit me into an business opportunity?" If not, figure out what the necessary changes that you need to make are. Then - make them!